Tag Archives: Deratu Tulu

WorldFocus Video: Interview With Derartu Tulu

Above: Derartu Tulu of Ethiopia crossing the finish line at the
2009 New York City Marathon. She became the first Ethiopian
woman to capture New York’s laurel crown. (Photo: AP)

Ethiopian marathon runner fueled by homeland
March 25, 2010
Long-distance running is not only Ethiopia’s national sport; it is a source of pride for Ethiopians all over the world. Ethiopia boasts a long list of champion long-distance runners, including Abebe Bikila, Haile Gebreselassie and Fatuma Roba.

Derartu Tulu, a native Ethiopian, added to her long list of professional first-place finishes by winning the New York City Marathon in November 2009.

Worldfocus contributing blogger Tesfaye Negussie went to Ethiopia and interviewed Tulu about what it takes to be one of the best runners in the world.

Watch: Tesfaye Negussie’s interview with Derartu Tulu