
Alehegn Makonnen
Here are a few announcements to begin with: The 21st
annual soccer tournament hosted by the Ethiopian Soccer
Federation of North America will be held in Seattle
this summer from June 27, 2004 to July 3, 2004. For
more information please consult www.esfna.org. In
order to improve our services, we have posted a survey
on the Tadias website. We encourage our readers to
take time to fill it out. Each person completing the
survey will be automatically entered into a drawing
for a chance to win prizes. Finally, Tadias Magazine
is expanding to include a business section and a book
review section.
In this issue, we recognize and celebrate the exceptional
achievements of a diverse group of Ethiopians
and Ethiopian-Americans. Some of you
might have heard about Dr. Yonas Geda, who was
recently honored by the International
Psychogeriatric Association for his pioneering
work on Pre-Alzheimer’s state. In an interview, Dr.
Geda shared with Tadias his passion for medical
research as well as his vision for Ethiopia. Also in
the news is fellow scientist Tilahun Yilma, who was
elected to the National Academy of Sciences. The
dynamic duo behind AkroZee Productions,
Zeresenay (Zee) Mehari and actress Akrosia
Samson, are not only successful in the film industry
but they also shine through their commitment
to create films with social messages. In other filmrelated
news, Belay Workeneh’s docu-drama
“Zemad’s Journey” was nominated for the 2004
Emmy Awards. Tadias also pays tribute to legendary
Ethiopian artist Maitre Afework Tekle, whose
works are often informed by his love of Ethiopia
and by his firm belief in the role of the artist as
Tadias is proud to document the accomplishments
of these talented people, who remind us of the value
of social commitment and of the need to look beyond
our personal goals. Their stories are bold reminders
that we should not defer our dreams.
Maitre Afewerk Tekle’s Odyssey as a World Renowned Artist |
Speaking about his life-long dedication to the
fine arts, Maitre Afewerk Tekle instills in his audience
the importance of using art to inspire people, to uplift
nations and to create an optimistic view of life. “What
we do today must reflect today’s life for tomorrow’s
generation and pave the way for the future generation,”
he asserts with passion and reflection. He teaches us
that “art is in every fabric of life.” Few moments are as electric as when the Most
Honorable Maitre Artist World Laureate Afewerk Tekle
walks through a crowded auditorium at Stanford
University to give an insider’s view of his
accomplishments and life adventures.
Dear Editors,
has become such an amazing magazine. Reading about
Professor Lemma Senbet was not only entertaining,
but also an inspiration to young professionals in
every discipline. Please applaud Meklit Workneh
for me; her piece was the one I liked most. What
a palpable and lively description about hair.
Surafel K. Gebreselassie
Detroit, MI
I would like to thank you for
writing such an interesting article about
Aster Yilma and what she is doing with
the community. This article just inspired
me to ask so many questions and gave me
so many ideas. She is marvelous and I
hope to hear more from her. We should all
follow her lead and set up a scholarship
with the ones that we are proud of and
should be remembered for the decades to
come. I have been reading Tadias for a
while and you guys are doing an excellent
job, keep up the good work.
Fitsum Kassie
Via the Internet
History Dear Professor Bekerie,
am a senior at the University of Alberta, Canada.
I read your article on Iquib and Idir: Socio-Economic
Traditions of the Ethiopians (January- March 2004).
I found it interesting as well as informative; however,
the article has more of an economic orientation
than the social and psychological contributions
of “Idir” and “Iqub”. These, centuries-old economic,
social, and psychological support networks and cooperatives,
in my opinion, need to be seen in light of their
overall being and contribution since their being
and purposes are multidimensional. Thanks for the
interesting article!
Sincerely, Endale Negussie
Via the Internet
Bekerie's Response
Dear Endale,
You are absolutely right; the social and psychological
dimensions of Idir and Iquib are equally significant.
In this brief article, I tried to focus on the economic
aspect of Idir and Iquib. Clearly there is a need
for more elaboration of these enduring traditions.
Congratulations in advance for completing your undergraduate
study at the University of Alberta. I wish you all
the best. Your positive feedback is highly appreciated.
Ayele Bekerie
Ithaca, New York
More Letters
Our warm thanks to Girma Bekele
for providing us with photos for our Hot
Shots section from Shiferaw Girma’s art
exhibiton in San Jose.
Our deepest gratitude goes to Zerhun
Bezabeh for his work on the cover photo shoot.