Aster Yilma: The Major Ketema Melka Scholarship Fund and
Her Quest to Educate the Youth
by Tseday Alehegn
Aster Yilma has always been an individual who likes to 'push the envelope'-someone who questions the status quo and believes it is right to ask why. She loves to seek her own answers. "You can't say no to me. I'll prove you wrong" she tells us as we go through an extraordinary list of her professional and charitable accomplishments. But today we focus on her current ambitious project: The Major Ketema Melka Scholarship Fund, and her love of giving.
with her husband, Paul Domingue, and their 19-year old son, Nathan,
Aster funds and runs the scholarship project named after her late
stepfather. "My stepfather believed in education and he absolutely
loved children," she says. "I have always longed to commemorate
him." Paul adds, "My wife is one of those obnoxious and annoying
people who is always trying to solve somebody else's problem.
You can't imagine how many times my son, Nathan, and I have been
drrrrraaaaaged into all kinds of projects. In the beginning, we
would roll our eyes and say, "Here we go again". Nowadays, though,
giving back to our community has become part of our lives because
we get a real sense of satisfaction from it. So, when my wife
presented the idea of the MAJOR KETEMA MELKA Scholarship, I was
all for it. What better way is there to honor a great country
and a great man, and be of service to others all at the same time?
only in their first year of running the scholarship program, Aster
and her family have been providing the funds to educate sixty-eight
of the top Kokebe Tsibah, Aster's alma mater, high school students
in Ethiopia, aiding them to continue two more years of prep school.
Next year they plan to help a hundred students. In addition, they
have pledged to give an annual scholarship of $1000 to one of
the honorees of S.E.E.D. (Society of Ethiopians Established in
Diaspora) based in Washington DC area. "I've learned that much
can be done with very little," Paul says. "We're by no means affluent,
we are not financially equipped to set up a meaningful scholarship
program in the U.S. However, in Ethiopia, we are able to do quite
a bit with what we have."
idea of setting up a scholarship fund first entered Aster's mind
when her son Nathan received a generous financial assistance from
an attorney named David Mandelbaum. Mr. Mandelbaum's gift allowed
Nathan to attend his first choice for college - Princeton University.
Nathan's family wrote a thank you letter to Mr. Mandelbaum who
then sent a copy of it to the president of the Ivy League school.
In the letter Aster and her family expressed their gratitude and
shared their decision to continue the legacy of giving by providing
scholarships to students in Ethiopia. In a response letter to
Mr. Mandelbaum, Princeton University president Shirley Tilghman
wrote: "To know that the ripple effect you began...have now reached
students in Ethiopia must be truly gratifying." Nathan is currently
an undergraduate in the engineering program. He has regularly
given 10% of his limited income to charity since he was a small
boy. "Giving has motivated me to give more," Nathan states. "When
I first started tithing it was my mother's prompting, not mine.
Eventually, when I saw how it affected people and how it made
me feel, I learned its importance."
husband, Paul, shares with us his motivation and says, "As far
as my personal motivation goes, it comes from Aster. Her love
of giving is infectious." When commencing this project Paul admits,
"I thought of so many things that could and would go wrong. Aster,
on the other hand, believes that anything is possible and that
anyone can make a difference. When she finds a closed door, she
will climb through a window. So I learned from her to have a strong
vision and determination." Aster reminds us that "we all have
gifts. There is no one in the world, I mean NO ONE, who does not
have a gift. Some have money, some have skills, and some have
a good heart - that's a gift."
what the biggest challenge and the biggest reward has been in
working on this project, Aster replied, "The biggest challenge
is dealing with bureaucracy to set up the scholarship fund. For
starters, we were told we couldn't establish a scholarship in
an individual's name. Finding donors was another issue, but these
are all little things in comparison to the passion I have for
the project." Even though most people wait for fame and money
before they establish their own charities, Aster's family has
shown us how each of us can be ready to contribute on our own
terms. The biggest reward, she tells us, is "the pleasure you
get from giving. Nothing else. Just the pleasure. To see a mother
who approaches you with thanks because you have helped to educate
her child - the first in the family to afford an education." At
the same time Aster and Paul believe they are setting a good example
for their son who plans to continue the legacy his parents started.
working on the Major Ketema Melka Scholarship Fund Aster Yilma
continues to set very high standards and constantly aims to raise
the bar. Her advice to other parents is "to look for their children's
talents and to expect the very best." "This does not mean pressure
your child," she clarifies, "but rather identify their strengths
and nurture it." She believes strongly in teaching by example
and hopes to instill pride in the youth through her charity work.
"This is a challenge I put to the youth," she says, "read, travel,
read, research Ethiopia, read.. read.. read. I want them to know
that they come from a beautiful background. Students of Ethiopian
ancestry can and should contribute to help their counterparts
at home."
special aspect of the Major Ketema Melka Scholarship Fund will
be a collaborative project between students at Newark Academy
Prep School in New Jersey and students in Ethiopia. Through the
scholarship fund, young students in New Jersey will be able to
participate in community service projects and raise funds to sponsor
children in Ethiopia. "In essence, a kid will be paying tuition
for another kid," Aster tells us, "and this kind of program raises
awareness. The children in Ethiopia are as smart as kids anywhere
else. They simply need the opportunity to shine. Educating 68
students is a drop in the bucket for a country that has many more
in need of financial assistance, but out of those 68 you don't
know which one of those children will be the greatest heart surgeon,
or the one to find the cure for AIDS."
adds to his mom's outlook by saying, "If you do well in school
and constantly challenge yourself, opportunities will present
themselves to you. This scholarship is a perfect example of that
opportunity." "Be a productive member of society. Don't settle
into a mentality of apathy," he reminds us.
Domingue's message to the youth is "to take pride in their Ethiopian
roots." "I would like them to look beyond the constant barrage
of images of famine and poverty and see the country that is a
symbol of freedom to black people all over the world," he tells
us. He concludes by asserting his belief that "Ethiopia can be
restored to its old glory" and he challenges the youth to play
a role in the restoration. Aster, Paul, and Nathan all believe
that education is the key.
is one more thing that makes the Major Ketema Melka Scholarship
Fund a highly inspirational and uplifting program. Each student
supported by the fund signs a special pledge affirming that they
are the future and that they will work equally hard to pass on
the legacy of giving so that others may get the opportunity to
learn. Upon graduation they must strive to pay tuition for two
other students, but have no legal obligation. "This is simply
a pledge to instill in them a sense of obligation to their brothers
and sisters left behind," Aster says. "If there is no Ethiopia,
there are no Ethiopians. We have to educate each other whether
we reside in Ethiopia or abroad." Currently, Aster is working
on getting a non-profit status for the scholarship fund. It is
our desire to see her achievement grow to help thousands of bright
students and our hope that the legacy is continued indefinitely.
holds an associate degree in TV production from Graham Junior
College and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Boston State
College. She also has obtained an LVA certificate and a New Jersey
Real Estate License.
information regarding the Major Ketema Melka Scholarship Fund,
please you're your email inquiries to ketemascholar@aol.com

Aster with her husband Paul and her son Nathan

Major Ketema Melka, Aster's Stepfather

Paul, Nathan, and Aster in Ethiopia