Introducing Parents' Corner
by Aster Yilma
I got married in 1982, my husband and I came to a mutual agreement
that if we were to have children, one of us would be the breadwinner
and the other would be a full-time “stay at home” parent. At the
time, because my husband was more marketable, we knew that it
would probably be me who would be the primary care taker of our
future child or children.
In 1984, we were blessed with a son. I have been a professional
mother ever since. I must say, it is the most challenging and
fulfilling job I have ever had. Since I take being a mother as
a profession no different from any other “paying” profession,
my approach to raising a child is the same as the approach professionals
take to grow in their fields: I attend seminars, read, join parent’s
and parenting related associations, network, etc. I believe that
I have reached great success in my profession. This is evidenced
by what I have helped my son achieve. He is studying mechanical
and aerospace engineering at an Ivy League school, is active in
his church, has devoted a huge amount of time to community service
both here and in France and Canada, received several awards for
academic achievement, is listed in “Who’s who in American High
Schools”, gives 10% of his money to charity, etc. I have raised
not only a smart, responsible kid but a good human being - which
is more important to me than any other achievement.
Raising children is difficult, particularly in today’s complex
society. For Ethiopians living outside our country, the challenge
is compounded because (a) we don’t have parents or older relatives
around us for guidance and (b) when we are faced with problems,
frustrations or have questions regarding parenting, we don’t have
an organized support system to tap into.
My column in Tadias is designed to
help fill this void. For this introductory
issue I address the following:
My Daughter is obsessed with designer
clothes. I can’t afford them but if I
don’t buy them, she will think that I am
they don’t get their way, all children think their parents are
mean. As parents, we have to choose whether we want to be popular
or do the right thing. Occasionally, we can do both but most of
the time, we can’t . I drilled into my son that what he wore had
no bearing on who he was and that designer and regular name brands
come out of the same factories (except for originals that cost
thousands). At the same time, I bought him a couple of designer
things so he wouldn’t feel “less than”, and so he would have something
to show that he was as “cool” as his friends. You don’t ever have
to pay the ridiculous high prices. There are many discount stores
where you can get brand names cheap. Also, you will save a lot
of money if you buy them off season.
My son wants the computer in his room.
Should I allow it?
not. We had our computer in the office for a while and our son
was spending a lot of time isolated. What I did was to have the
computer moved to our dining room where I am constantly in and
out. Of course, the computer was an eye sore among our Scandinavian
furniture but this was a good way of keeping an eye on what he
was doing without him feeling that he was being supervised.
daughter wants a TV in her room. Would it be appropriate to buy
her one?
BWe have a TV in our den for all of us to
use. We are one of those boring families
who watch very little TV. My philosophy
is “not much of what’s on TV is beneficial
to any child”. I find that watching TV
keeps our children from books, from productive
activities, from school work, from
bonding with their family and friends, etc.
What I did was to let my son pick a
couple of shows (per week) and watch
them with him. Occasionally, I found
some great programs that I myself made
sure that he watched. I involved him with regularly scheduled activities like scouting,
church youth group, soccer (eventually
ultimate frisbee), keyboard lessons,
family activities, etc. When children are
very busy, they have little time to whine
about TV. We just have to make sure that
we involve them in things that a) they like
and b) are productive. Sometimes, they
don’t even have to like what we have them
do. When my son was 10, he did not have
the maturity to understand what he could
get out of scouting. Therefore, he did not
want it. I used my parental authority and
told him that school, church and boy
scouts were non-negotiable items in our
home. Of course, once he got involved, he
did not want to miss one meeting. Today,
he is a proud Eagle Scout.
son hangs around a kid that I don’t think is a good influence.
The more I try to keep my son away from this kid, the more I see
them together. Is there something I can do?
were kids in our neighborhood who I thought were headed for trouble.
What I did was every time my son wanted to be with them, I offered
him an alternative that I knew would be more appealing to him
(I got this method from the movie Godfather where Don Corleone
said, “Make him an offer he can’t refuse”). For example, when
he asked me if he could go over to Bob’s house, my response was
something like, “Sure, honey. But I was planning to take you ,
Keith and Mike to a basket ball game (of course Keith and Mike
were the kind of kids that would be a positive influence).” He
would immediately take my offers without me ever having to say
something negative about somebody else’s child and without creating
anger and resentment in my own.
Please send me your questions to
advice@tadias.com and I would be happy
to answer them!