Journal: My Humanitarian Journey to Africa
by Maskarm Kebede
do not remember how and when it started but it had always been
my dream to travel and work in Africa. As a child, I grew up seeing
my mom traveling and working on different projects in villages
throughout Ethiopia. I must admit that I thought the traveling
was always a vacation so I often cried out to take me with her.
Sometimes it worked and I had the opportunity to visit several
places, which in turn created in me a great passion to work in
the field of international development. Apart from traveling,
staying in hotels, visiting tourist attractions and meeting different
people; I also learned one important lesson: we can all make a
difference! Whether we are big or small, rich or poor, we all
have something to share and know how to put a smile on someone
else’s face.
Years had passed since my childhood
adventures and I still was not sure where or how to begin my own
volunteer experience. Nonetheless, I felt haunted by inner yearnings,
which I found difficult to express to anyone else. I felt restless
and unsatisfied, even though I appeared to be doing well for someone
who had just moved to North America. One thing I did know for
sure was that I needed to find a way to make my dream come true.
I began networking and talking to people who were already involved
in the international development arena. I searched for non-governmental
organizations and UN programs and realized that almost all programs
required additional language fluency as a pre-requisite for jobs.
It was Dec. 2001 when I applied
to the French Immersion Bursary Program located in Quebec, Canada.
I also decided to move to Montreal in advance to begin part-time
French language classes until I heard back from the university
about my Bursary program application. Moving was not the easiest
decision for me. Except for my family members and few friends,
most people around me thought it was a crazy idea and a total
waste of time. They preferred that I stay put, get a job and settle
down. I wished I could explain to them what I felt inside and
why this decision was so important to me. Ultimately, I moved
to Montreal in January 2002. One morning in March as I was taking
my usual metro ride, I picked-up a newspaper and spotted an employment
ad that was to lead me to a whole new personal adventure. It read:
“OXFAM-Quebec Youth Internship in West Africa. Six Months,
Free French Tuition.” That was exactly what I needed.
I was filled with so much excitement
I could barely remember the ensuing details. Everything happened
so fast that I didn’t even have time to contemplate my options.
I applied to join the program without a second thought and was
called in for an interview soon thereafter. The offer letter from
OXFAM and my approval for my Bursary from Universite du Quebec
a Trios-Rivieres arrived at the same time. This special day
marked the beginning of my adventure. It is amazing how our priorities
can change so quickly. A few days ago my primary concern was getting
into the Bursary Program, and now, presented with both opportunities,
I needed to make a decision. I knew the internship would give
me the opportunity to volunteer and learn French. To me this was
not another apprenticeship that I could add on my resume, instead
it was more of fulfilling my dream and moving on with my life.
I headed down to Cotonou, Benin.
My assignment was with a local NGO called COGEDA (Coordination
des ONG de Gestion des Dechets Solides Menagers et de l'Assainissements
a Cotonou). The five-month program in Benin was a phenomenal
experience. It is one that I will be cherishing for the remainder
of my life. I had the opportunity to interact in a culture that
is vastly different than mine and in the process met some of the
most wonderful people. In short, I learned a tremendous amount
from my travel. There were of course a few ups and downs, but
then when one harbors high expectations there is always the risk
of great disappointments that may follow. Regardless, to me it
was not a waste of time. Let me share with you some of the poignant
moments with excerpts from my travel journal.
17 May 02
Dear Diary,
Wow ... I'm in Africa again. Met by OXFAM Quebec and COGEDA staffers
at the airport. Since they have not yet found a house for us,
we are staying at maison du passage. Everything seems
dirty and dark, the weather is very hot and humid. I was given
a small room with out a shower. Dropped our luggage and headed
out for dinner with them. Very tired and jetlagged, so food was
not what I had in mind. I longed for a hot shower and a comfortable
bed. I tried to sit close to someone who spoke a little bit of
English, as I did not have any energy left to try and understand
what they were saying in French. When we came back from dinner
I found out there was no water to take a shower with and before
I even unpacked my bags the lights went out (welcome to Africa!)
Thank God I was not taking a shower, or else I would have woken
everybody up.
09th Aug. 02
This was a week filled with adventure. It turned out that the
material I prepared on basic accesses is not going to be enough,
as they need more training on the actual database. Ha… I
can see more work coming. I met a volunteer who overheard me talking
in Amharic on the phone and asked me if I am from Ethiopia. She
did her internship in Bahr Dar in 1999; it was fun talking to
her. It’s amazing how the West Africans could recognize
Ethiopians at first sight. Most of them start their conversation
by talking about Haile Selassie and if you stick around for more,
you will hear them saying how Ethiopians are very proud and unfriendly
people. My roommates are confused about the whole Ethiopian issue,
for them I'm just another African so they keep asking me questions
like why are Ethiopians different? Do we not perceive ourselves
as Africans or Black? Hey… I’m wondering if I’m
missing something here.
14th Oct. 02
I can’t believe my 5 months internship is nearly over. I
submitted my final report and my final evaluation with COGEDA
and OXFAM Quebec went very well. The feeling was amazing. After
my evaluation it felt like it was the beginning of my life. I
experienced a sense of freedom and the burden I had been carrying
for so many years seemed to have been lifted. I got a beautiful
African dress as a gift from the people I worked with and it felt
like “yes it is indeed over.” I have one more day
to say adios and pack up my things before I begin my travel adventure
to other countries in West Africa ahead of my trip home.
1st Dec. 02
It is so nice to be back and see family and friends. I had my
debriefing in Bromont with OXFAM Quebec. Mostly we talked about
the reintegration process and job search. I felt I needed only
the job search, as I should be okay on the reintegration part.
Well I was mistaken again. I needed a lot more of reintegration
session than I thought. I wanted to tell my friends all about
the villages I visited, people I met and the new culture I had
discovered during my trip. To my surprise, most of them were worried
how dark I had become or lost weight. Is it not obvious that if
you spend six months in the sun your skin color changes? I am
glad that I’m back in one piece, I don’t think I could
have handled everybody pointing out, “Didn’t we tell
you not to go?”
Despite the apprehensions of
people around me, I took a chance and made my dream come true.
My trip to West Africa was a lifetime experience that no one can
take away from me. I encourage others to do the same. We all have
something to share and know how to put a smile on someone else’s
face. It is only a matter of choice.
my site at http://www12.brinkster.com/maskarm
and see my adventure for yourself.
Maskaram Kebede
Maskarm Kebede currently resides in Montreal,
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