A Page in History: Advertising in the New York Times How
often do we find a 15-page illustrated advertisement on Ethiopia
in the New York Times? Look again at the December 1, 1963 copy
of the news magazine and you will find your answer. The ad insert
in section 12 of the paper shows a full page view of the newly
built ECA building in the capital, Addis Ababa. It’s title
reads, “Ethiopia – Nation of Vast Potential and Great
Opportunities.” This deliberate effort by Emperor Haile
Selassie to portray Ethiopia as a strategic and stable place for
business development is stunning and exceptionally beautiful.
Glancing through the illustrations one can get a glimpse of Ethiopia’s
cultural and environmental diversity as well as see rare photos
as the one of the Emperor participating in New York’s ticker
tape parade. Contents of the advertisement include the meeting
of African leaders in the capital, Ethiopia’s granary and
hydro-electric potential, her 3,000 year history and travel opportunities,
as well as a five-year plan to spur the economy. The advertisement
makes for a good reading leaving one a little more proud in having
shown the outside world a fraction of our treasures
New York Times
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